Let the journey begin

Welcome to the 30 day Positive Parenting Course.....let the journey begin

Welcome my friends.

I’m delighted you’re here and firstly thank you for choosing this course and trusting me to hold your hand in what may be for some of you, your first step into positive parenting. So whether you’re here as a first timer, or maybe you’re familiar with positive parenting techniques and are looking for a type of MOT - to all of you congratulations on making this commitment – it could just be the best investment you make for your family.

I hope this is going to be an enlightening and energising course, giving you a little insight into that parenting instruction manual ,you probably wished you’d had from the start.

Now I’ll be running the programme every day for 30 days, and you’ll receive a daily email where I’ll introduce you to a skill/ concept and invite you to watch a short 5 minute video in The Parent Practice School.

My aim’s not to overwhelm you, so I am dripping the content every day so as to make it manageable, as I know time is so precious. However you have access to the course for 12 months, so you may want to revisit it once the course is over.

So in order to get started, you’ll want to download your Parenting Playbook, which has a useful course checklist so you can tick off as you go along and there is a short exercise to reflect on every day.

In terms of time -set aside 5 minutes every day to watch the video and maybe up to 10 mins to have a think about the parenting skill for that day.

But the choice is yours. You can save up to listen to a few days at a time or set yourself a daily regular commitment.

For those of you who don’t know me, I’ve been a parenting coach for 12 years now. I’m the owner of the Parent Practice and being really honest I have to tell you that parenting for me has been one of the hardest, exhausting and bewildering roles I ‘ve ever done. The reason I found it hard was because my son had issues at school, and by the age of 7 he had been thrown out of 3 schools in so many years.

Once we started to understand his temperament and learning needs, the fact he had dyslexia and ADHD, and I started to train in positive parenting, then the magic happened. I would encourage you all to listen to the full story either by watching my TEDX talk or if you are a reader, to grab my book My Child’s Different. If you need hope and optimism, I guarantee you’ll find it there.

So grab yourself a coffee or herbal tea, and let’s get started. I’ll see you in the video for day one.

Here’s to more harmony at home and more contented children and parents.

Bye for now


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